Configuration with theme.php

The file theme.php contains a simple PHP array for its configuration structure. In this array you configure which links a theme has, the SCSS, JS files to use and the a list of assets that should get copied into the public folder.

This is a simple configuration file, the fields of the array are described below the file.


return [
    'displayName' => 'Jinya Testing Theme',
    'description' => "A simple theme for testing purposes. This theme has no real frontend so don't use it",
    'previewImage' => __DIR__ . '/Preview.jpg',
    'errorBehavior' => \App\Theming\Theme::ERROR_BEHAVIOR_ERROR_PAGE,
    'styles' => [
        'variables' => __DIR__ . '/styles/_variables.scss',
        'files' => [
            __DIR__ . '/styles/frontend.scss',
    'scripts' => [
        __DIR__ . '/scripts/helloworld.js',
    'assets' => [
        'asset1' => __DIR__ . '/assets/icons/facebook.svg',
    'configuration' => [
        'configGroup1' => [
            'text' => 'Text value',
            'boolean1' => false,
    'configurationStructure' => [
        'title' => 'Configure Jinya testing theme',
        'groups' => [
                'name' => 'configGroup1',
                'title' => 'Config Group 1',
                'fields' => [
                        'name' => 'text',
                        'type' => 'string',
                        'label' => 'Text value 1',
                        'name' => 'boolean1',
                        'type' => 'boolean',
                        'label' => 'Boolean value 1',
        'links' => [
            'blog_categories' => [
                'blogCategory1' => 'Category 1',
            'files' => [
                'file1' => 'File 1',
            'forms' => [
                'form1' => 'Form 1',
            'galleries' => [
                'gallery1' => 'Gallery 1',
            'segment_pages' => [
                'segmentPage1' => 'Segment Page 1',
            'menus' => [
                'menu1' => 'Menu 1',
            'pages' => [
                'page1' => 'Page 1',

Let's start with the simple fields, see the table below:

Field Purpose Type Notes
displayName This name is used to show your themes name in the designer string
description The description is a detailed text about your theme string May contain HTML
previewImage Contains the absolute path to the preview image of your theme. string It is recommended to use the __DIR__ super global
errorBehavior The behavior your theme has when an error occurs, it can either be errorpage or homepage string The Theme class has constants prepared for error pages

Specifying SCSS stylesheets

The theme.php contains a simple way to specify the stylesheets you want to use. At the moment only one output stylesheet will be generated. Apart from that it is also possible to customize SCSS variables in the designer. To achieve that, Jinya analyses the specified variables file and then displays the variables in the designer. The array key used is styles.

The structure for the styling is simple and shown below:

'styles' => [
    'variables' => __DIR__ . '/styles/_variables.scss',
    'files' => [
        __DIR__ . '/styles/frontend.scss',

The array key variables contains the absolute path to the SCSS file you use to define your variables. It is recommended to have a single file containing all SCSS variables, so artists can change them in the designer. Jinya parses the variables based on the !default attribute for SCSS.

Check this snippet to see how variables should be declared.

$primary-color: #ff0000 !default;

The files array just contains a list of absolute paths you want to compile. During compilation, SCSS imported files will be resolved, based on the directory containing the SCSS file.

Specifying JS files

Defining JS file is rather simple, the scripts field contains a list of absolute paths that point to JS files.

Specifying assets

It is also possible to define arbitrary assets. The main intention was to include fonts in your SCSS stylesheets. Most assets can be included with links, which are defined below. You define assets in key-value pairs, the key is the name and the value is the absolute path to the asset.

You can reference an asset in your SCSS with the jinya-asset function. Simply pass it the asset name, it will be replaced with a URL referencing the asset.

Specifying the default configuration

The default configuration is specified with the configuration key. A simple sample looks as follows.

'configuration' => [
    'configGroup1' => [
        'text' => 'Text value',
    'configGroup2' => [
        'text1' => 'Text value',
        'text2' => 'Text value',
        'boolean1' => false,

Every configuration group contains of a key and an array containing the configurations keys and the default values. As the time of writing Jinya supports booleans and single line strings, it is planned to extend it to multiline strings as well.